Saturday 18 December 2010

Beijing Sojourn

We visited Beijing (formerly known as Peking) in China in April 2006. It was spring and the beautiful blossoms of the plum, peach and magnolia were in full bloom. The first places that we visited were the Tianamen Square and the Forbidden City. They were large and it took us a few hours to cover these two places. Next we took a rickshaw ride through Beijing’s Hutong which is a neighbourhood of narrow streets surrounding the Forbidden City. The Hutong gave us a glimpse of how ordinary people live. That night, and for a few nights more, we feasted on Peking Duck. To me, Beijing’s Peking Duck is the best that I have ever tasted!
And then, it was to the Great Wall! We went to the Badaling Section of The Wall which is said to be the easiest to climb. While up The Wall and looking down at the barren rolling hills below on the outside, I suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. I felt as if I was back among my comrades defending The Wall against the Mongolian hordes and I joyfully shouted out to them, “I have returned!” (in Chinese, of course). My wife and daughter were startled but not surprised; they know that I can be strange at times. However, the other sightseers seem to keep their distance after that.

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