Saturday 18 December 2010

Bali - Kecak and Fire Dance

The photos are of the “Kecak and Fire Dance” that we watched at a place called Uluwatu in Bali in November 2008. It was performed in the evening at an open-air theatre above a sheer cliff high above and overlooking the Indian Ocean and close to the famed Uluwatu Temple.
Accompanied by a choir of chanting and singing men dressed in sarongs, the dance around a fire tells the story of how Rama defeated the evil Rhawana to rescue his love, Sita. It was an enchanting evening as night quickly fell and the moon and the stars came out to watch the dance too!
This holiday is my favourite because it was the very first time that my family (the kids and us) went on an overseas trip together.


dewway said...

AH? You meant it's your favorite cos it's the first time your son went with you la! I brought you to so many places before that - Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Taipei, Sun Moon Lake, Sydney. You still have the photos ah? You want me to save into a thumbdrive and ask your wife bring back for you?

wildfather said...

Aiyah, it's my favourite because the whole family went mah. I have lost the Kyoto photos but I would like to have your photos in the thumb drive too. BTW, how do I load the Kyoto photos from the ipod onto the computer?