Tuesday 12 February 2008

Fireflies For Sale

The recent cold winter and heavy snowfall in China, Canada and other northern countries has given me the idea of exporting fireflies to these countries for the winter.
I know a lot of you will be sceptical about the idea and think that the fireflies cannot survive the bitter cold. But, according to my grandpa, the “fire” in their bellies not only allows the firefly to provide light but also warmth, and he should know.
As a boy in China, during the cold winter nights when he and his siblings huddled around a jar of fireflies to study, they could feel the warmth emanating from the fireflies.
Now, I have always known my grandpa to be an honest man so I am going to believe him and not any scientific hocus-pocus that says otherwise.

I intend to sell my fireflies in 3 amounts: the 25 fireflies jar, the 50 fireflies jar and the 100 fireflies jar.
According to grandpa, the 25 fireflies jar is enough to warm one’s heart. So if you are a couple, I would suggest the 50 fireflies jar and, if you have more than one partner, then I strongly recommend the 100 fireflies jar.
If you buy in bulk, I can offer you a 10% discount. So hurry up if you are interested and place your orders with me now.

By the way, I am also looking for agents to market my fireflies. The firefly is a clean form of alternative energy and during this time of spiraling oil prices, I can assure you that this will be a very good investment. So, seize the chance. Contact me now!

However, I still have one minor problem to solve: How to feed the fireflies in your country?
Grandpa said he fed the fireflies with leaves from the “firefly” tree. In Malaysia, the “firefly” tree is a mangrove tree called the Berembang which is found lining the banks of our rivers.

First, I have tried feeding them with dried Berembang leaves but the fireflies complained that they are not fresh.
Next, I have tried feeding them with the juice from ground Berembang leaves but the fussy fireflies claimed that the juice makes them too heavy to fly.
Now, I am working on my “leaf-pelleting” machine which would turn the leaves into pellets but I am almost sure that the recalcitrant fireflies are going to say that the pellets are too dry.

So, here is my proposal. If any of you have any bright idea how to solve this problem, please contact me. If it works, I am prepared to offer you a partnership in the business.


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Luke said...

I am very interested in your fireflies. If you can supply me with live fire flies let's talk.



Gregg Lander said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me. GreggLander@email.com

Gregg Lander said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me. GreggLander@email.com

Gregg Lander said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me. GreggLander@email.com

Gregg Lander said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me. GreggLander@email.com

Gregg Lander said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me. GreggLander@email.com

Gregg Lander said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me. GreggLander@email.com

Alessandro Florian said...

I am searching to start a business in fireflies .
I found your article.
I am interet to start a busienss about.
Please cntact me alessandro2001@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Hi, I want to buy 10.000 Fireflies. Can you supply me? Contact me: luisgandarez@hotmail.com

wildfather said...

Guys, although there are fireflies here in Malaysia, this post is written in humour so I hope none of you are serious. If you are not, then I guess the joke is on me.

Unknown said...

I am very interesting in purchasing a large number of fireflies for a wedding.

please contact me at


Elizabeth said...

I am interested in purchasing fireflies for a wedding. Please email at eprainey@gmail.com

titüs said...

I am very interested in your fireflies. please email me at titus924@hotmail.com

Aaron Galeotti Photography said...

I am also very interested in your fireflies! please send me a price list:]



About Weddings and the City said...

I'm very interested in your fireflies for a 5.16.09 wedding. Please contact me to discuss further.

Cortenay Matters, Weddings and the City

Angelica said...


I would like to buy fireflies please contact me as soon as possible.


Bobby Armstrong said...

I am very interested in your fireflies and would like to be contacted. Thank you

Bobby Armstrong said...

Please contact me about your fireflies. I am very interested in what kind of quantities you can provide. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

My fiance and are are planning our wedding for Aug 7th, '09 and have been looking online for fireflies we can purchase to have on our tables at the reception. So far, we haven't found a single site on the net that can actually supply fireflies except yours. Please contact us at steve_houtz@hotmail.com

Little Asian Girl said...

I am VERY interested in purchasing fireflies for an event that we are having for our kids at church this summer. We are located in Southern California. Please contact me ASAP!! jamie@zalanproducts.com

hidaleeho said...

I have been looking for fireflies for years! I used to bring them back from Texas, but haven't been there for a while. I would definitely be interested!


fidl1548 said...

I would love to purchase some fireflies, if you could contact very soon I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I am interested in purchasing 25 fireflies saintallie@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I am interested in purchasing 25 fireflies saintallie@hotmail.com

locutieofborg said...

I would love to purchase 50 -100 of your fireflies or larvae. Please email me at whatsyourquest@cox.net
Thank you, Amy

locutieofborg said...

I would love to purchase your fireflies or larvae. Please email me at whatsyourquest@cox.net
Thank you, Amy

SaucyLady said...

We are VERY interested in purchasing your firflies &/or larva! Please email me @ elzbetholdham@hotmail.com

Lalo said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me.

Lalo said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me.


bbOy.dreAdkIx said...

me too, please,
pm me at kyle_joshua22@yahoo.com.ph
please let it be fast, its very important,
god bless :))

Sam said...

I would like to buy some too. Please contact me at hotsamd@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I am interested in buying fireflies. Please contact

Ben K.

Unknown said...

Are fireflies still available?

Please contact me.


karlee123 said...

I'm very interested in purchasing fireflies, too. Please email me at karleeelisabeth@yahoo.com

Josh&Noell said...

i would really love to buy some live fireflies for my children as well as for my wedding in august. how can i buy them from you? my email is: thornefamily04@gmail.com please contact me with info! thank you so much!

Josh&Noell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

Just wondering if your still can send out fireflies? if so.. email me at
squaziee@aol.com as soon as possible. thanks!

Sarah said...

Just wondering if your still can send out fireflies? if so.. email me at
squaziee@aol.com as soon as possible. thanks!

Sarah said...

Hi, just wondering if your still selling fireflies? if so email me at squaziee@aol.com as soon as possible please! thanks!

Farah Khan said...

I love fireflies.I would love to buy from you as I can't find them anywhere else.Please do contact me at farahsadozai@gmail.com.I will wait for your reply as soon as possible.
Great Regards,

melissa said...

wondering if you have fireflies for sale still? I'd like to purchase some for a garden party 6-19-10


Unknown said...

I am very interested in your fireflies. If you can supply me with live fire flies let's talk.




Becca said...

I too would like to purchase several hundred fire flies. Please contact me at gosnell.co@comcast.net

Stephanie said...

Heyy. I am intrested in buying some fireflies. Could you please e-mail me at xo_steff@hotmail.com with your price list? Thanks

Buguettes said...

Hi, first things first: As far as I know, fireflies larvae eat snails and slugs. Adults are also carnivores (although some species don't eat at all when adults). If you still sell them (specially Lampyris or Luciola species), please contact me at buguettes@gmail.com

Best regards.

Unknown said...

je suis très intéressé par vos lucioles merci de me contacter si votre offre tiens toujours sur yeketi@gmail.com merci

Marissa Ferrante said...

i am interested in purchasing some fireflies. please contact me at marissaferrante@gmail.com

Tarsier23 said...

I would like to purchase fifty fireflies dmaruniak56@gmail.com.

zcbizzle said...

dude, hit me up.


very interested in getting some.

Astrid said...

Are you still selling fireflies? Please contact me at...


Thank you!

Unknown said...

I am very interested in buy 1000 fireflies please e-mail me

Unknown said...

I would like to buy some fireflies please contact me ttipton3@verizon.net

schoolbuster-fireflies said...
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schoolbuster-fireflies said...
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schoolbuster-fireflies said...

Hi!I want to purchase some fireflies for my ecology project .But I think 25 fireflies can't fit my vivarium. Please tell me how much 1 firefly cost and the habitat+what they eat .Do feedback to me at

Jennifer Habel said...

Hello! Are you still selling fireflys?? I am interested in purchasing some from you.

Jennifer Habel said...

PS. I am wanting them for my wedding June 2011. Please e-mail me your price list.


natalie said...

hey there im very interested in the fireflies that your selling i think its wonderful that your selling them aswell. please could you contact me back on my email thankyou its > gk-graham@yahoo.co.uk

natalie said...

hey there im very interested in the fireflies that your selling i think its wonderful that your selling them aswell. please could you contact me back on my email thankyou its > gk-graham@yahoo.co.uk

Unknown said...

I am very interested in buying bulk fireflies! Please contact me at bootney0708@gmail.com. Thank you.

Lindsay said...

Hi, do you sell fireflies??? I am hoping to buy some for my wedding in April/May of 2011. Please email me with any details you have! lindsayuncw@yahoo.com
Thank you!

Unknown said...

yeah im interested contact me and let me know at sitha_b@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

im very interested can contact me at sitha_b@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

yeah im interested contact me and let me know at sitha_b@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

yeah im interested contact me and let me know at sitha_b@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

yeah im interested contact me and let me know at sitha_b@yahoo.com

jesscrabill said...
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jesscrabill said...

Hi! I can't believe you're selling fireflies! For years I've wanted to have them for my wedding, which I'm finally planning. Please send me a price sheet.


Unknown said...

I would like to buy large amounts of fireflies for my wedding too.

Please contact me

Heather Acock said...

Hello! I'm coordinating a wedding in June. We are interested in letting fireflies go as the bride and groom leave. We will need a lot of fireflies! Hope you can help me out. Please contact me at heather.acock@yahoo.com or call 405-517-2556. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

hi i am really interested in buying a jar of 50 fireflies. please contact me at decemberhansen@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

hello i am very interested in buying 50 fire flies for my wedding. please email me my wedding is in may. thanks!


LBB said...

Please contact me if you can supply fireflies (not in a hurry--probably June is when I would like them). Please contact me with prices (and how you ship them so they arrive alive): leslie@parkcityjane.com

Unknown said...

I am very interested in purchasing fireflies. I plan to use them to ask a very good friend of mine to Prom.

Please contact me if you can supply me with, or any suggestions on how to catch them.



nick said...

I would like fireflies for my yard. Please email me. Dont know if this is possible but would like 200.

Anonymous said...

I would like to purchase some live fireflies if that is possible please contact me with more information at kw_coupons@hotmail.com

Thank you.

PrincessVashti said...

I would like to purchase some as well. Please email me at thescarletibis@Live.com

cmyogachick said...

Have been looking everywhere for fireflies. Please contact me at cmyogachick@hotmial.com

cmyogachick said...

I would also like fireflies. Please contact me at cmyogachick@gmail.com

Sharbear9128 said...

I would like to buy some fireflies could please contact me sharybaby124u@yahoo.com

thevotebox said...

I am interested in your fireflies and larvae. entrepreneur73@gmail.com

Michele said...

I am also interested in purchasing some live fireflies from you. If you can please contact me I'd appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

I am interested in purchasing fireflies for my August wedding. Can you contact me at lelamayeberry@gmail.com?


Julie said...

I want to buy some fireflies to release at my home. We have a great wooded area for them to live and hopefully reproduce. As a child, fireflies were very common in my area but over the years they have diminished in population.


Julie said...

I would love to replenish the once thriving firefly population in my area. Please contact me.

Ngg said...

I am extremely interested in purchasing fireflies. Please contact me at:



Adam said...

My wife and I would love to purchase a large number from you if possible. Please contact me:

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


I dont know if you are still doing this but I was wonder if you are still selling Fireflies and if I could possibly purchase them from you. please contact me at syboutskl@yahoo.com or call/text ne at 206-498-0411.

thank you so much for your timne,


higgy said...

please contact me: d15@hotmail.com -
I would like to purchase fireflies today! thank you

higgy said...

please contact me: d15@hotmail.com -
I would like to purchase fireflies today! thank you

higgy said...

please contact me: d15@hotmail.com -
I would like to purchase fireflies today! thank you

higgy said...

please contact me: d15@hotmail.com -
I would like to purchase fireflies today! thank you

teddyruddy said...

hey i am interested in buying your fireflies :) do send me your pricelist and contact me at blackakatsuki@hotmail.com !

AJEG said...
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AJEG said...

I'm interested in buying some lightning bugs aka fireflies. If you will can you please send me information on them and what you're selling along with prices. My contact information is countrybarbie@gmail.com.

Thank you Kindly!

anoyes13 said...

Do you sell your fireflies? If so, please contact me at noyes.amanda@gmail.com Thanks!

Charlotte Smith said...

My school is interested in buying some of your fireflies for the junior prom. If you could email me at larrythepenguin@yahoo.com to let me know if you are still selling and some possible price ranges, that would be great! thanks

JJ said...

i need fireflies urgently to be imported to singapore. please contact me at md.khairul.hz@gmail.com

anoo said...

Hi Ricky, I'm interested in buying your Fireflies for my wedding. How much is it (25) and how can I get it from you (if you still have it)? I can be contacted at anoo73@gmail.com

mesiah67 said...

Hi, Hope you still have some fireflies left. I am interested in buying some.

email me at donkeydiddles@googlemail.com



Lindsey Adams said...

Are you still selling fireflies? I'd love to get my hands on at least 50 of them.


Les Owen said...

Hey Ricky,
Can you let me know if your still selling fire flies, would love to get hold of some and a few others want some too, please contact me with price etc,


mom.in.training said...

I too would like to purchase some. Email me therarefind44@yahoo.com

jb said...

I would like to buy some for our wedding. Please email me! Jacebrady@gmail.com

jb said...

I would like to buy some for our wedding. Please email me! Jacebrady@gmail.com

jb said...

I would like to buy some for our wedding. Please email me! Jacebrady@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Unknown said...

Are You still selling live fireflies??? I really need some!!! Please contact me

Maricruz Moo said...

I too would love to purchase some fireflies please contact me on maricruz.moo@facebook.com

shelby11 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shelby11 said...

I want fireflies! please email theshelb@gmail.com

Ashley S said...

Do you have any fireflies available for sale right now?

Ashley S said...

Do you have any fireflies available right now?

mustaine said...

I know you get asked all over the place for a couple years now, but I was curious if you are still or ever were capable of acquiring fireflies or if this was a joke, my e-mail is treglemin@hotmail.com

akc. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
akc. said...

please email me @ bubbles1092@ymail.com I want alot of fireflies

akc. said...

please email me @ bubbles1092@ymail.com I won't alot of fireflies

akc. said...

please email me @ bubbles1092@ymail.com I won't alot of fireflies

dbrock said...

I want to buy fireflies ALLOT. need them for my summer wedding in Oregon. Please get back to me. Cornnbread26@gmail.com

dbrock said...

I want to buy fireflies ALLOT. need them for my summer wedding in Oregon. Please get back to me. Cornnbread26@gmail.com

dbrock said...

I want to buy fireflies ALLOT. need them for my summer wedding in Oregon. Please get back to me. Cornnbread26@gmail.com

Squirrel Nutkin said...

If you are still supplying live fireflies or firefly larvae, I am interested. You may reach me at secretowl@yahoo.com

Adam Crowl said...

please contact me if you have fireflies for sale!

Fatemeh said...

Please email me about the fireflies at ladymoghadam@gmail.com thank you

anita said...

hi ricky!...anna_shante@yahoo.com..do not forget to contact me...please:D..i want some fireflies to..tanks..bye

JetpackRob said...

I must have 50,000,000,000 fireflies to start my invasion. Can you supply me? Evil lol

JetpackRob said...

I must have 50,000,000,000 fireflies to start my invasion. Can you supply me? Evil lol

JetpackRob said...

I must have 50,000,000,000 fireflies to start my invasion. Can you supply me? Evil lol

Doug said...

Is this still up or is it dead by now? If it's still operational i'd like to recieve a pricing list up to 10,000 live fire flies.Also are their any import violations or can this pretty much be sent anywhere because it's unprecedented? Dougthesexybeast@gmail.com


Doug said...

Is this still up or is it dead by now? If it's still operational i'd like to recieve a pricing list up to 10,000 live fire flies.Also are their any import violations or can this pretty much be sent anywhere because it's unprecedented? Dougthesexybeast@gmail.com


alex.reynoso said...

I too would like to buy fireflies. Please contact me. alex.reynoso36@gmail.com

lee said...

Please if can sale fireflies I would love to buy some we have the time and the right place for the to grow up and make more
I have loved them all my life and now would like to help them to make a good come back in our yard and town
Corpus Christi TX

Christina said...

I would love to repopulate the fireflies in my neighborhood. Let me know please if you have some for sale. Thanks,

Omo Ejigbede said...

I would also like to buy firefly larvae that glow.

Unknown said...

Please contact me at gmlenain@gmail.com so that I may arrange to purchase some of your fire flies :)

Unknown said...

Please contact me at gmlenain@gmail.com so that I may arrange to purchase some of your fire flies :)

Ellen Robinson said...

I am planning a wedding for next November and I would love to release fireflies, please contact me at ellenrobinson72@gmail.com

Unknown said...

what a bunch of dummies.

Unknown said...

what a bunch of dummies.

Victo09 said...

Hello. I, like others on this site, am interested in the costs of purchasing 'live' fireflies, if you still sell them.
I might even be interested in breeding them as well. They are beautiful to look at and I've heard they are not so plentiful. Definitely don't like to envision a world without them.
Email: joevictory40@gmail.com


Unknown said...

Im interested :) can i see a price list first. And just so you know, adult fireflies do NOT eat. they do but no as much as the larvae. and also their babies eat snails or worms

ered said...

I am also interested in purchasing fireflies in bulk for release at a wedding on August 4th-I realize this is short notice. I would like to know your prices and some specifics about how to handle the fireflies once received.... THank you :-)


Katz2U said...

Are you still selling Fireflys?
Live in Texas and Drought killed all but a few. looking to repopulate our back yard.

Katz2U said...

Sorry...contact info....

Unknown said...

If fireflies are still available I would love to buy some.


Unknown said...

If fireflies are still available I would love to buy some.


Unknown said...

Hi I am interested in buying some live fireflies for a babyshower. The shower is in mid September so please contact me at imehdi1@aol.com, ASAP. Thanks!!!!

Hope to hear from you soon.

dust said...

Hello i need some fire flies too ! Kid projects ...
Please contact me , nutzydusty@gmail.com thank u

CAMERON said...

I am interested in buying a few dozens of fireflies for an event.
please let me know.

Kamran 9177707867

GeovannyRamirez said...

hey, i was wondering if you are still selling the fireflies? georamgom044715@gmail.com

Geovanny Ramirez

FMiller0903 said...


My sister is getting married in January 2013 and she is having a rustic wedding. We would LOVE to have your fireflies. Can you please contact me with info on how to go about purchasing them in time for January.

Thank you SO much !!


baxterjules said...

I'm interested in buying some for flies for my sins cub scout den.

Please contact me if you have any.


baxterjules said...

I'm interested in buying some for flies for my sins cub scout den.

Please contact me if you have any.


Janie B said...

Hi Ricky, I stumbled across your blog from 2008 and I am curious, are you still raising fireflies? I would love to hear an update!


Unknown said...

I am very interested in purchasing a large quantity of fireflies. Please contact me if you would.


Kourtney Earp

Unknown said...

I am interested/looking for lightening bugs. Please contact me if you are still raising them to sell.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

I would like to talk about bulk ordering.

(281) 546-4355


Unknown said...

I would like to talk about bulk ordering.

(281) 546-4355


Unknown said...

I would like to talk about bulk ordering.

(281) 546-4355


Wes said...

4 years later and no confirmation?

Wes said...

4 years later and no confirmation?

Unknown said...


I am very glad that I found you!

Maybe you can help me with the issue of buying the fireflies?

I need 1000 pieces, and if possible more.

I live in Cambodia. It is possible to get them here?

Maybe you can give contacts of those who deal with this question?

Money is not a problem. We are willing to pay and for the fireflies and for the information.

I hope that you can help with this.

Thank you very much in advance


Unknown said...


I am very glad that I found you!

Maybe you can help me with the issue of buying the fireflies?

I need 1000 pieces, and if possible more.

I live in Cambodia. It is possible to get them here?

Maybe you can give contacts of those who deal with this question?

Money is not a problem. We are willing to pay and for the fireflies and for the information.

I hope that you can help with this.

Thank you very much in advance

Best regards, Irina Shevchik


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

If you are still selling the fireflies let me know

Mama Sings The SAH Blues said...

I am interested in purchasing fireflies. Pls contact me. ljprzbizz2k@gmail.com

Unknown said...

hey i am interested in buying 50 or 100 fireflies.. But I was unsure.. are they Live?
Please email me at djavatarwill@gmail.com

Unknown said...

hey i am interested in buying 50 or 100 fireflies.. But I was unsure.. are they Live?
Please email me at djavatarwill@gmail.com

naughtyjockey said...

Mail me buddy...
Need a 25 Fireflies jar


jade said...

im interested in 100 or more fireflies.. im getting married may 5 this year please contact me via email jam8187@yahoo.com thanks you for your time.

Jo said...

I am very interested in purchasing fireflies. Contact joseph.vereen@gmail.com

Tess Lehn 8th said...


I would love to purchase some Fireflies, I was raised in Indiana with summer nights filled with the beautiful flashes everywhere, Lighting up the world. My girlfriend has never experienced this and i would love to give her this opportunity. Her birthday is in April so if i could have some around then that would be amazing! My email is dbash21@gmail.com Please contact me with more info....

Thank you,

Dustin Bash

Joan2013 said...

I am interested in buying fire flies As well. I guess they are in high demand.
My Email Is foreversprays@gmail.com
Please contact me

Unknown said...

Ditto fireflies. Seeing if possible to purchase by May2013 in central texas to release into the wild in natrual habitat near water and close to summertime.

Mortimer said...

Hello! I would love to inquire about purchasing fireflies for my wedding this September. Please email me with any info if this is still something you are doing. Thanks!



Unknown said...

I am interested in purchasing some fireflies, please e-mail me information kassandrahrasky@gmail.com

ElizabethInDallas said...

Are you still breeding/selling fireflies? Want to create reproducing community in n texas creek area w/ lots of tree cover and natural mulch.

Felly said...

I'm interested on purchasing fireflies for upcoming daughter's birthday celebration.

Please contact me @ fellysanchez@hotmail.com


Felly said...

I'm interested on purchasing fireflies for upcoming daughter's birthday celebration.

Please contact me @ fellysanchez@hotmail.com


Victoria said...

Are you still selling fireflies? I am very interested...Please contact me at victoriav88@hotmail.com. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Hello! Are you still offering fireflies? I as well am very interested. Please mail me at mlgt_21@yahoo.com.ph. Many thanks!

Unknown said...

i also want to purchase please contact me at joseanrodas@gmail.com,thanks.

Unknown said...

i also want to purchase please contact me at joseanrodas@gmail.com,thanks

Unknown said...

If you are selling fireflies I am interested in purchasing some. Please contact me at pastorbenm@lambschapel.net Thanks!

Audrey said...

We are very much interested in purchasing live fireflies from you. Let us know if you have any left and the price range.




Unknown said...

Hello! Are you still offering fireflies? I as well am very interested. Please mail me at mlgt_21@yahoo.com.ph. Many thanks!

NSULA HMT said...

I am interested in purchasing live fireflies. Please email me at valeriefsalter@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am interested in purchasing live fireflies. Please email me at ansontsangnyc@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am interested in purchasing live fireflies. Please email me at ansontsangnyc@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am also interested in purchasing fireflies from you. Please contact me at ecromm22@yahoo.com. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I am also interested in purchasing fireflies from you. Please contact me at ecromm22@yahoo.com. Thanks!

dawn grace said...

this is adorable. did anyone actually READ this post!? apparently a LOT of people don't understand silliness, this is unfortunate. thank you for this lovely bit of firely sweetness <3

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