Monday 15 October 2007

Stupid Cupid! Start Shooting At Me!


This poem is inspired by my three daughters Swee Wei, Siu Wei and Wei Wei and is dedicated to my son, KC.

If Cupid's arrow strikes you in the heart

You'll dream and yearn for his tender kiss
For it will lead you to eternal bliss

You want to be forever by his side
As a gushing, blushing, beautiful bride

You long to share with him this life
With him, the husband and you, the wife

If Cupid's arrow strikes you between the eyes

You will tremble and quiver just like jelly
Though he's short and bald, with a large pot-belly

Your love will hold him in a tight embrace
Even though you have never seen his face

You begin to like the things you once dread
'Cause Cupid's arrow has made you brain-dead

If Cupid's arrow strikes you in the butt

Your love, my dear, will be a "pain in the ass"
Yeah, those who boasts and are "full of gas"

They'll look at your "bottom" and not in the eye
And baby, it is not because they are shy

Sweetheart, be careful how you wiggle and sway
Otherwise, eyes will "pop" and "wolves" will bay

If Cupid's arrow were to give you a miss

Now, don't you just mope and cry
You've got to catch that Cupid's eye

Why can't the dumb Cupid see
That you're as pretty as can be

Hey wretched Cupid! Improve your aim
Or else, you will never shoot again

Stupid Cupid! Start shooting at me!
Stupid Cupid! Start shooting at me!
Hey Stupid Cupid! Start shooting at me NOW!

Just for the record, Cupid's arrow struck my wife, Sew Chin, right in the centre of the heart!


1 comment:

dewway said...

Papa, I ask your son go read your poem liao!