Friday 17 June 2011

Bird Nest

From the top:-
1. My flowering tree.
2. The bird nest.
3. One of the birds (in the center of the picture) watching from inside the tree.

I had stumbled upon the birds in the morning a few times in the past month or so frolicking in my flowering tree. They would emerge from somewhere inside the thick foliage, fly to another part, show a glimpse of themselves and then fly away. I noticed that they have a white patch on their heads and white fringes on their wings. I did not pay them much attention thinking that they were probably hunting for insects. A few days ago, I found out the reason why they were there; well hidden inside the thick foliage of my tree was a bird nest.

I had tried to capture the birds on camera but it was a very difficult task. They were very alert and would fly away at the slightest sound or movement even when I tried to photograph them from inside the house. Maybe a disguise would work. I can disguise myself as Big Bird. No, it would frighten them even more and I do not want them to leave because, according to Chinese folklore, a bird family brings luck and harmony. Honestly, I do not believe in all these myths; how can a bird nest, a rabbit's foot or a four leaf clover bring luck, right?

Now I understand why the birds always show themselves to me at a part away from the nest before flying off. They do not want me to know the location of the nest. Maybe they are afraid that I may make soup with their bird nest since I am Chinese. Silly birds; people of other races like bird's nest too.

I do not know if there are eggs inside the nest as I have not taken a look. This is because some birds are very sensitive; if they feel that their nest has been disturbed they would fly away never to return.

I am now anxiously waiting for the patter of small feet or, should it be the soft flutter of tiny wings? Every morning I go close to the tree to listen for the soft cries of a hungry nestling. I wonder if anyone would think of me a birdbrain if I behave like an expectant grandfather.

Yesterday I bought a lottery ticket just in case ………………


sweewei said...

api, i 50% share lottery, ok?

wildfather said...

Ok, ok. You 50, KoKo 50, Siu Wei 50 and Wei Wei 50. Your mum 10.