Monday, 18 April 2011

Wrap up your woes

I have been feeling a bit down these past couple of days because I have found out that a teacher of mine has passed away. (This is the third death in recent times as a friend and a former classmate of mine also passed away recently).
I used to meet him in the morning at the Lake Garden during my daily walk. He was very fit as he takes good care of himself and there was not an inch of extra fat. It makes me feel so vulnerable. I know, I know; I have often said that I am ready to go but darn it, it is difficult to leave the loved ones behind. Perhaps a good cry would help but men do not cry; they doodle.
This reminds me of the poem I wrote using words with 4 letters or less. Now, I admit that I do know a couple of 4-letter swear words but I can assure you these were not used.

Wrap up your woes,
Toss them into the bin.
Away the bin goes
With what has been.

Keep your chin up
What the case may be;
Go wild at the pub;
Let it out with glee.

For no one will care
Or lend an ear;
No one will even dare
To try to get near.

If all you do is cry.
Need I tell you why?

I know you love our Lake Garden so these pictures are for you. I hope you like them.

Friday, 15 April 2011

In the morn

Limericks are supposed to be humorous, witty, nonsensical or even bawdy so when requested to write a serious limerick, I was hesitant. However, later I thought why not? It could be fun so here’s my effort.

In the morn the awakened birds sing
Of the warmth that the sunshine can bring
So remember to smile
And forget for awhile
Go on, soar like a bird on the wing

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Do you know of a place where sprumn prevails?

Last week, we flew into Seoul in South Korea looking for spring. Although we found bluebells and daffodils there, we were told that we were too early to view the cherry blossoms so we took a short flight to Jeju Island, which is slightly to the south, where the cherries were in bloom. My, those cherry blossoms were quite a sight!

However, that island of parasitic volcanoes, mountain craters, beaches of black lava rocks and polished stones is also famous for its winds and spring rains so we spent our time outside wrapped up in jackets, scarves, gloves, etc. The temperature was around 17’ C but those gusty winds chilled us to the bone.

After having found colourful autumn in Kyoto two years ago, I now see where a friend is coming from when she told me once that she was looking for a place where sprumn exists. What is sprumn? According to her, sprumn is a climate with only two seasons – spring and autumn. (Note: The idea struck her whilst she was in the depths of winter).

I have now made up my mind that she is sane and have also decided to join her in her search so do any of you know of a place where sprumn prevails?

Monday, 11 April 2011

Spring time in Jeju

spring time in Jeju
canola flowers colour
the wet wind-swept stones